Marine Series
Seachange: Whale Tracks
Allagai #1: After the Storm
Flotsam & Jetsam
Neptune’s Necklace
Neptune’s Necklace #2
Kelp Forest
Kelp Pods
Seaweed 🔴
Rockpool 🔴
Seaspray 🔴
Seagrass 🔴
Shoal 🔴
Sunset 🔴
Cool Change 🔴
Dolphins 🔴
Incoming Wave 🔴
Water’s Edge 🔴
Whale Tail 🔴
Building on my Copa Abstractions: Weekly Art Project, my monthly art project for the first half of 2019 is to create a 30x30cm abstract composition each month that is inspired by the view over Allagai Bay from my studio.
High Summer
Approaching Equinox
Storm Brewing
Whale Trails